Estimating stories faster and more accurately

In a recently endeavour to find the blogs of all Agile Manifesto’s authors, I’ve found this post of James Grenning about some planning poker companion games. Luckily, we were about to do a release planning for both Brasigo and BlogBlogs here at WebCo, just the perfect opportunities to try a new approach to estimating.

The results:

  • 20 stories estimated in just one hour!
  • much more coherent estimation!
  • much more accurate estimation!


  • faster due to the great amount of example stories per column of similar difficult, facilitating the comprehension of everybody;
  • coherent, because the team compared almost all stories against each other to correctly sort them in columns of similar difficult;
  • accurate, also due to the great amount of example stories per column of similar difficult, so that each column had much more information than a single story could give in an usual planning poker game;


I highly recommend this method! Not only for release plannings, but for all estimation sessions. It is deep enough to do always.

4 Responses to “Estimating stories faster and more accurately”

  1. Tiago Albineli Motta Says:

    Pô! roubando meu nome é xará!!!

    • tiagomjorge Says:

      Opa! Nossos nomes são bem parecidos, sim! Rsrsrs! Uma vez acharam que eu tivesse ido numa conferência, quando na verdade era você, pois no seu crachá estava “Tiago Motta”. Rsrsrsr!! Pior, nós dois trabalhamos com desenvolvimento de software!!

      Prazer em conhecê-lo! =)

  2. Maintaining the story points scale « Tiago Motta Jorge’s Blog Says:

    […] Tiago Motta Jorge’s Blog Agile Inquirer: questionings and discoverings about agile software development « Estimating stories faster and more accurately […]

  3. Paulo Henrique da Fonseca Rebelo Says:


    muito obrigado pela dica, realmente o time conseguiu estimar 22 histórias em 45′. O resultado foi muito satisfatório, pois o time se sentiu muito seguro, conseguiu estimar com mais precisão em relação às outras histórias e a proporcionalidade entre os números ficou mais clara.


    Paulo Henrique da Fonseca Rebelo.

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